ég ætlað byrja að quota aftur í "the little book of despair" eins og ég gerði einusinni fyrir jól og koma með sona eitt eða tvö quote á dag...
"Be yourself. No one else wants the job"
"Remember it takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. Pouring petrol into a dirty puddle also works"
"Consciousness: that irritating time between naps."
"Every door that closes in your life, was once a door that opened earlier when another door closed"
hahaha þessi bók er óendanlega mikil snilld... >:-|
"Be yourself. No one else wants the job"
"Remember it takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. Pouring petrol into a dirty puddle also works"
"Consciousness: that irritating time between naps."
"Every door that closes in your life, was once a door that opened earlier when another door closed"
hahaha þessi bók er óendanlega mikil snilld... >:-|
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