
Trúarlega bloggið. Færslur þrisvar í viku, á sunnudögum, þriðjudögum og fimmtudögum kl. 21:03

miðvikudagur, janúar 07, 2004

Eyjó benti mér á þetta á imdb og ég held að þetta sé með því alfyndnasta sem ég hef lesið á ævi minni.... þetta er s.s. einhver gaur sem kveðst vera nútíma samúræ að gagnrýna myndina Sichinin No Samurai (Seven Samurai)...

hann lenti svo abra í einhverju böggi útaf þessu og hér er eitt af svörunum hans

"As a "real life" samurai I am extremely offened by your posts, but you already know this and have apparently taken the resposibility for the consequences that may suffered by your speaking your words.

I just want every single one of you to know that I now have my own place and I am free to practice my art and my way 24 hours a day. Like I said I do not want to kill but I will if I have to.

I urge each and everyone of you to apologize to myself, my master and my craft.


en þetta finnst mér samt vera mesta snilldin:

"And to the cop, trust me I've had my run in's with the police before and police who have been so unfortunate to "try" have wound up face down in my masters pillow if you get my drift. A 44 magnum, as a police officer I would think you would know that those who truly know of the ways of budo are able to dodge and deflect bullets. I have yet had the oppurtunity to try this but I am confident in my skills so I invite you to bring your modern weapon to our dual, you will meet the fate of so many others who no longer post on this thread. "

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