já.. þessar kosningar.. ég er mun reiðari yfir þeim en ég hélt ég yrði, og ég get því varla ímyndað mér hvernig sumum hlýtur að líða. Maður er eiginlega orðinn hálfhræddur við ástandið, því með þessu þá kemst fyrirlitning umheimsins (þ.á.m. mín) á bandaríkjunum á annað stig, því með þessari kosningu voru bandaríkjamenn að samþykkja allt sem núverandi stjórn er búin að gera á síðustu 4 árum, og líka að gefa þeim grænt ljós á að halda áfram á sömu braut, og þar að auki fékk Bush metfjölda atkvæða. Manni finnst alveg ótrúlegt að svona skuli geta gerst, að stjórnin, þrátt fyrir allar blekkingarnar og lygarnar sem hún beitti til að réttlæta innrásina í Írak, þrátt fyrir það að ástandið þar skuli versna með hverjum deginum, og þrátt fyrir ömurlegt efnahagsástand í bandaríkjunum, skuli virkilega geta náð endurkjöri. Það verður reyndar aðeins auðveldara þegar maður setur sig aðeins inn í hugsunargang þessa fólk sem kýs þá, og kemst að því hversu djöfulli heimskur og snargeðveikur meirihlutinn af þessu liði er í raun og veru, t.d. það að 70% kjósenda repúblikana séu enn á þeirri skoðun að Saddam Hussein hafi verið á bak við tvíburaturnaárásirnar, og það að mjög stór hluti kjósendanna kjósi Bush því hann er svo trúaður og viðkunnulegur gaur.. manni langar bara að æla.
Þeir sem maður vorkennir samt mest eru þær 100 milljónir bandaríkjamanna sem eru á sömu skoðun.. sem þurfa að sætta sig við þetta ástand og sem skammast sín fyrir að vera bandaríkjamenn þessa stundina, að miklu leyti útaf einhverjum sauðheimskum hommahatara-redneckum frá suðurríkjunum sem kunna ekki að lesa.. ég er í sambandi við mikið af fólki frá bandaríkjunum og það er bara ótrúlegt að sjá hvað fólk er ótrúlega reitt þarna úti.. svo ég vitni nú í nokkra:
"and Fuck America for that. i actually had faith. i reasoned that the Bush administrations' method worked enough that an acceptable number of people followed and were happy with it. that when voting came around the mobilization would commence and prove the polls wrong. i wasnt convinced in this, but i wasnt counting on the exact opposite happening. the american people had a chanced to finally do something about this, said "fuck IT and YOU" AND RE-ELECTED a president that has seen the most miserable handing of a terrorist attack in american history. we obviously want them to continue deceiving us, jerking us around, treating the nation like a wounded ten year old, and mangling every event to push violence upon other people in lieu of reason, which apparently "doesn't get the job done."
so with the re-election of Bush, we officially have no excuse. we saw what happened, and want it again. so america deserves everything it gets. for anymore shit that happens there will be no more pity. knowing now what this man is made of, most sane and democratic nations would get him the fuck out of there, but we've been fooled enough, and are now believeing that these other nations only work against us.
we are irrefutably becoming insane. "
"I feel such a mix of emotions right now. They range from depression to all out rage with a huge emphasis on embarrassment to even be as part of the American population. I simply cannot believe (or just don't want to believe) that the population of this country is so swayed by sound bytes and untruths. I truly am embarrassed. Oli, you said it perfectly when you were talking about how 99% of the world is being affected by this. We lost credibility throughout the past four years and any remote bit of it we had left is now nonexistent.
When when when will people stop looking to the Bible as their crutch and just think for themselves? The population of people who believe that Bush is a good guy with morals befuddles me. I truly don’t understand how they believe that someone who would send our country into a preemptive war, provide misinformation, and then refuse humble himself to admit mistake in any of it is a good moral guy.
And what’s so immoral about Kerry anyway? He supports women’s rights? He wants scientific research to advance so we can hopefully find cures to diseases so many people (including the good moral Christians) are afflicted with daily? He wants to fight the war on terrorism? He wants to beef up health care? He wants to help our economy? Yeah.. real immoral.
I’m beyond pissed off.
And this year we don’t even have Nader to blame."
"You said it perfectly, Oli. I'm not sure if I have language harsh enough to explain how unbelievably alienated I feel from the embarrassing masses that apparently are a majority in this country. I don't even feel up to getting into it right now because I'm seriously dreading another four years of political, social, intellectual, and moral outrage as this man's administrations pulls the wool over the eyes of the morons and smirks at the dissenting intellectuals."
ég gæti póstað svo miklu, miklu meira, en ég nenni því ekki. Ég er pirraður og bitur. Bless.
Þeir sem maður vorkennir samt mest eru þær 100 milljónir bandaríkjamanna sem eru á sömu skoðun.. sem þurfa að sætta sig við þetta ástand og sem skammast sín fyrir að vera bandaríkjamenn þessa stundina, að miklu leyti útaf einhverjum sauðheimskum hommahatara-redneckum frá suðurríkjunum sem kunna ekki að lesa.. ég er í sambandi við mikið af fólki frá bandaríkjunum og það er bara ótrúlegt að sjá hvað fólk er ótrúlega reitt þarna úti.. svo ég vitni nú í nokkra:
"and Fuck America for that. i actually had faith. i reasoned that the Bush administrations' method worked enough that an acceptable number of people followed and were happy with it. that when voting came around the mobilization would commence and prove the polls wrong. i wasnt convinced in this, but i wasnt counting on the exact opposite happening. the american people had a chanced to finally do something about this, said "fuck IT and YOU" AND RE-ELECTED a president that has seen the most miserable handing of a terrorist attack in american history. we obviously want them to continue deceiving us, jerking us around, treating the nation like a wounded ten year old, and mangling every event to push violence upon other people in lieu of reason, which apparently "doesn't get the job done."
so with the re-election of Bush, we officially have no excuse. we saw what happened, and want it again. so america deserves everything it gets. for anymore shit that happens there will be no more pity. knowing now what this man is made of, most sane and democratic nations would get him the fuck out of there, but we've been fooled enough, and are now believeing that these other nations only work against us.
we are irrefutably becoming insane. "
"I feel such a mix of emotions right now. They range from depression to all out rage with a huge emphasis on embarrassment to even be as part of the American population. I simply cannot believe (or just don't want to believe) that the population of this country is so swayed by sound bytes and untruths. I truly am embarrassed. Oli, you said it perfectly when you were talking about how 99% of the world is being affected by this. We lost credibility throughout the past four years and any remote bit of it we had left is now nonexistent.
When when when will people stop looking to the Bible as their crutch and just think for themselves? The population of people who believe that Bush is a good guy with morals befuddles me. I truly don’t understand how they believe that someone who would send our country into a preemptive war, provide misinformation, and then refuse humble himself to admit mistake in any of it is a good moral guy.
And what’s so immoral about Kerry anyway? He supports women’s rights? He wants scientific research to advance so we can hopefully find cures to diseases so many people (including the good moral Christians) are afflicted with daily? He wants to fight the war on terrorism? He wants to beef up health care? He wants to help our economy? Yeah.. real immoral.
I’m beyond pissed off.
And this year we don’t even have Nader to blame."
"You said it perfectly, Oli. I'm not sure if I have language harsh enough to explain how unbelievably alienated I feel from the embarrassing masses that apparently are a majority in this country. I don't even feel up to getting into it right now because I'm seriously dreading another four years of political, social, intellectual, and moral outrage as this man's administrations pulls the wool over the eyes of the morons and smirks at the dissenting intellectuals."
ég gæti póstað svo miklu, miklu meira, en ég nenni því ekki. Ég er pirraður og bitur. Bless.
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