já... fór í mitt síðasta próf í dag. Það gekk fínt þannig að ég er að öllum líkindum orðinn stúdent... mér fannst viðeigandi að á síðustu spurningu á síðasta prófinu hafi ég talað um það að ef allir indverjar og kínverjar tækju sig saman og hoppuðu upp og niður gætum við ýtt jörðinni yfir í annað sólkerfi.. veit ekki afhverju.. en jæja.. fyndið kvót
Dr. Cox: "you know Bob, I've been thinking about all the times that you've manipulated me and toyed with me and well, I can't help but recall that childrens fable about the race between the tortoise and the pain-in-the-ass Chief of medicine that everybody hates. You see Bob, the pain-in-the-ass Chief of medicine that everybody hates kept running out in front of the tortoise and taunting him, but right at the end... oh gosh, I'm sure you remember what happened, Bob, the tortoise bit clean through the chief of medicine's calf muscle, dragged him to the ground where he and all the other turtles devoured him alive, right there on the race track."
Scrubs eru vanmetnir þættir...
Dr. Cox: "you know Bob, I've been thinking about all the times that you've manipulated me and toyed with me and well, I can't help but recall that childrens fable about the race between the tortoise and the pain-in-the-ass Chief of medicine that everybody hates. You see Bob, the pain-in-the-ass Chief of medicine that everybody hates kept running out in front of the tortoise and taunting him, but right at the end... oh gosh, I'm sure you remember what happened, Bob, the tortoise bit clean through the chief of medicine's calf muscle, dragged him to the ground where he and all the other turtles devoured him alive, right there on the race track."
Scrubs eru vanmetnir þættir...
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