
Trúarlega bloggið. Færslur þrisvar í viku, á sunnudögum, þriðjudögum og fimmtudögum kl. 21:03

sunnudagur, júlí 01, 2007


Þetta var nú meiri eðalhelgin...

Ljótu hálfvitarnir og Pig Destroyer eru alveg málið hjá mér þessa dagana.

Ég mundi allt í einu um daginn hvað ég hata Axl Rose og ömurlegu hljómsveitina hans mikið. ég gróf því upp fáránlega fyndið viðtalsbrot frá Kurt Cobain í tilefni af því.

AD: Is there anything about Guns N' Roses' music you like?

KC: I can't think of a damn thing. I can't even waste my time on that band, because they're so obviously pathetic and untalented. I used to think that everything in the mainstream pop world was crap, but now that some underground bands have been signed with majors, I take Guns N' Roses as more of an offense. I have to look into it more: They're really talentless people, and they write crap music, and they're the most popular rock band on the earth right now. I can't believe it.

AD: Didn't Axl Rose say something nasty to you at the MTV Video Music Awards in September?

KC: They actually tried to beat us up. Courtney and I were with the baby in the eating area backstage, and Axl walked by. So Courtney yelled, "Axl! Axl, come over here!" We just wanted to say hi to him--we think he's a joke, but we just wanted to say something to him. So I said, "Will you be the godfather of our child?" I don't know what had happened before that to piss him off, but he took his aggressions out on us and began screaming bloody murder.

These were his words: "You shut your bitch up, or I'm taking you down to the pavement." [laughs] Everyone around us just burst out into tears of laughter. She wasn't even saying anything mean, you know? So I turned to Courtney and said, "Shut up, bitch!" And everyone laughed and he left. So I guess I did what he wanted me to do--be a man. [laughs]


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